Are we providing service quality with is? Em-pirical evidence from the justice system of two developing countries
Arias, María Isabel
Maçada, Antonio Carlos Gastaud
Mallmann, Gabriela
Palabras clave
ICT4D; Justice system; Developing countries; Public service quality; ECISEditorial
University of portsmouthMetadatos
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Little is known about Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) im-pacts in Latin America justice system and few theoretical advances were done on this topic. This pa-per aims to propose a model grounded in Task-Technology Fit theory and explore its rationality in the justice system of two developing countries: Brazil and Argentina. Interviews with public managers and employees were conducted, and content analysis was applied to examine ICT4D impact on individual performance and public service quality. Our research makes several contributions by proposing a model on how ICT4D intervention can be assessed in an application area like the justice system. We examine the effectiveness of two national ICT4D endeavours, represented by the electronic lawsuit, thus showing how government can lead successful ICT4D implementations in developing countries. The practical value of this research rests on clarifying how ICT4D impacts public employees’ perfor-mance and public service quality. The results should help managers reduce gaps between policy and design of electronic lawsuits, thus guiding ICT4D endeavours by practitioners in other developing countries.
Referencia bibliográfica
Arias, M.I., Maçada A.CG., Mallmann, G. (2018). Are we providing service quality with is? Empirical evidence from the justice system of two developing countries. 26th European Conference on Information Systems: Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change. Portsmouth, Reino Unido. 23 al 28 de junio. Disponible en:
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